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Road Safety Awareness Training for School Children

Road Safety Awareness Training for School Children

  • Educate and mentor BTOs on the major causes of road accidents, potential consequences, and defensive driving techniques to minimize and prevent incidents and accidents on Nigerian routes.
  • Re-emphasize Rubis policy on a zero-tolerance approach to accidents.
  • Enhance BTOs skills and abilities in controlling and managing truck driving dynamics for improved safety and efficiency.
  • They were trained to understand the complexity of Nigerian roads and environmental factors that can affect driving conditions and adopt attitudes and driving patterns that can positively impact truck lifespan and operational productivity.
  • The training examined truck driving distractions, associated risks, and preventive mechanisms.
  • Emphasized Ringardas business goal of delivering bitumen and bituminous products in the right quantity in the right condition and reducing controversies relating to shortages.
  • The training concluded with emphasis on BTOs non-interference, non-tampering with tracking devices, dash cameras, and fuel monitoring systems.

The training program also tutored BTOs on other valuable aspects, including security awareness associated with Nigerian roads, as well as effective measures to minimize the possibilities of being victims through direct losses, supply chain disruptions, injury, or even death.

The managing Director of Ringardas, Mr. Dave, stressed in his speech the need for Bulk Truck Operators’ strong commitment to safety standards and professionalism in carrying out their duties. He encouraged all BTOs to embrace defensive driving practices either on the road or at customer sites, he described them as the Ambassadors of Ringardas and urged them to always act in the right manner as expected in representing the image of the organization wherever they go.


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