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Ringardas Installs another Solar Borehole at Jogana Community in Kano State

Ringardas Installs another Solar Borehole at Jogana Community in Kano State

 Clean water is an essential resource for communities around the world. According to the United Nations Statistics, one in three people live without access to quality water, thereby causing unnecessary disease and death. However, huge strides have been made on a global scale towards providing access to clean drinking water, especially to the rural populace who are more confronted with the problem. It is on this account that Ringardas Nigeria Limited sees it as a necessity to provide clean water using a solar-powered borehole project for the people of Jogana Community in Kano State to enable them to have access to clean water to improve domestic hygiene.

The solar energy-driven borehole project donated to the Jogana community was completed and handed over to the local community stakeholders on the 19th of January 2024. The Management of Ringardas Nigeria was duly represented by the Head of Corporate Affairs department, Mrs. Nana Shaibu accompanied by the Kano Terminal Manager, Mr. Francis Nwachukwu, and some other staff of the company. The event witnessed a large turnout of the people of the community with all the revered traditional rulers in attendance.

The Highest Chief of the community who was appointed to speak for the community offered prayers and appreciation for the company and presented that safe and readily available water is important for public health, whether it is used for drinking, domestic use, food production, or other purposes. He went further to declare that the water project will undoubtedly improve the livelihood of the people of the community and assured the team of RNL present that the community will continue to appreciate the good gesture of the company. Other community representatives who were also present could not hide their utmost joy as they appreciated the fact that the use of solar-based technology would reduce the burden of epileptic power supply from the utility grid and the elimination of operation and maintenance cost of fuel required for the borehole pumping system.

#RNLCSRBoreholeProject #RenewableEngergy #ReducingEmission #PoweringASaferFuture
#RingardasNigeria #AscaBitumen

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